Margir aš bķša ......

.... bķša eftir žvķ aš fleiri vakni til mešvitundar um žaš hverjir žeir eru og til hvers viš komum yfirhöfuš nśna til jaršarinnar. Er oršin mjög pist į žessu mešvitundarleysi, - drullupirruš, hver fjandinn er eiginlega aš? Langar aš segja margt ógešslega ljótt, eins og Össur, sem er ķ raun allt ķ lagi žvķ viš höfum nefnilega sjįlf įkvešiš hvaš er ljótt, gott, višeigandi og ekki višeigandi, kurteisi og ekki kurteisi. Gef skķt ķ žetta allt, nenni ekki aš taka žįtt ķ žessum śreltu gömlu sišum og venjum. - Sama gamla DRAMAŠ - MYGLAŠ!

Compulsive_suicidal_kid_by_tom_sawyer Drullist til aš VAKNA ! !!!!!!  ~ Crying ~ vilborg

Sķšan lżsi ég hér meš yfir FULLUM stušningi viš sjįlfsstęši Kosovo eins og Karen Bishop og einnig Baskana, Kśrdana og žess vegna Grķmseyinga ef žeir kjósa svo, tķmi til kominn aš fólk rķsi upp undan aldanna kśgun.

Į mešan mörg okkar erum aš bķša eftir fleirum, žį reynum viš aš létta hvort öšru bišina į żmsan hįtt og styšja viš bakiš į hvort öšru:

Story Waters: 

" Allow yourself to be freak. God is a freak. God is the biggest freak there is. Allow this in. Allow in your difference, your individuality, your uniqueness, that is all a freak is; it is something that is absolutely unique, because what you are creating is unique, that is why it is so wonderful. It is new, it has never been before. It is the most freaky thing that has ever been. It is fabulous. It is succulent. It is joyful. It is what you have all been wanting for so long, and now you are at the doorway and the invitation is out. There is so little you need to do. It will come naturally. Allow time. Allow yourself to enjoy it. Keep a check on your trust. Your trust has been damaged in some way by this frustration, for you have been ready for so long. Your trust has taken a bit of a knock. As we say, by understanding that you chose that which led to your frustration, so you can heal that by taking the responsibility yourselves. Open yourselves to the new you, the birth. The birth of your dream. The dream that starts here." 

og vitnaš ķ .......


Understanding the Chaos

Number one: Many of you are now going to start to make sense of what formerly was chaos. That is to say, the very way that Spirit works with Humans on this earth, which has seemed chaotic, which has seemed accidental, is now going to start to make sense. It will make sense in a way that will make you more comfortable as you count on the answers coming as you need them. It is truly a shift of dimensional thinking. You will begin to have an understanding in your mind in a way you cannot justify in 3D of what is taking place. What this means to you is that you're going to be a lot more comfortable in your skin. Even those of you who call yourselves Lightworkers, those of you who call yourselves metaphysical will start to see the planning. You will start to see the potentials, and will start to see how chaos isn't chaos.



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