

 Hér er fjallað vítt og breytt um líklegust möguleikana.

Spurningin er hvort það geti hjálpað okkur eitthvað að skilja hvar er eiginlega í gangi.

 ~ Heart  ~


In the month of February, there will be more clarity from the Shadow penetrating the conscious mind more fully. There will be more breaking out.

In the outer world, there will be some major communication problems, as well as the desire to connect in new ways. This will create upheaval, even in the United Nations. They will know of a need to restructure, even through confronting various countries. The United States will be one of the major countries that needs to balance, by letting go of so much control within the United Nations.

The allies within the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will be challenged as well. There may be a conflict with Iran in the latter part of this month as well, moving into March. This could be a time where there are dangers or fears of having to declare war. This will create pressure from Israel and the Palestinians.

Pakastan and India may be in conflict as well. There may be some exposure of the US, where there are inferences that the US is making it a challenge to resolve the conflict between Pakistan and India, based on private interests.

The month of February will be when the conflicts surface more fully, even on a personal level. It will be a time to see how old structures and ways of being/relating are coming to an end. You will begin to see how groups' ways of relating are no longer working.

Some major structures will reveal more corruptions. If you thought there was powerful revelation at the end of 2008, you will see even more in the economic structures exposed, such as China and others. Even the European countries will reveal lots of imbalance.

You will also see how China is a threat to the world economic situation. They have been allowed to put the US into great debt. They may change their position now that you are indebted. This may make the Europeans question their motives and their choices.

On a personal level, there will be a lot of questions about how you relate. The imbalances in relationships will begin to be questioned. Particularly issues about receiving and valuing will take place. This is when you will begin to be in the thick of it all, which will only continue as you move into March.

In personal relationships, you will experience things in more emotional extremes, because the sensitivity of the emotional body will grow from this new inner pressure. The body's armoring will shift from the core movements. This will create a greater intuition. There may also be an inner dying away of old ways of relating - an inner sense of loss without a clear answer about what you are going to replace the old with to begin.

In self-help fields, there are core things that will get more fearful and primitive that you need to be sensitive about with your clients. With groups, the lower three levels of the astral are being penetrated and released or dissipating in a powerful way. This is affecting your astral bodies.

The Earth has its own group soul consciousness, which is held at the core of the Earth. There will be more of an escalation in the breakdown or revelation of imbalance in the ecosystem of the Earth as this all takes place as well. 



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