Sólgos hafa įhrif į okkur

- sem er aušvitaš skiljanlegt žar sem viš erum hluti af nįttśrunni. Žaš birtist m.a. ķ óvenjulegum breytingum į vešurfari um alla jörš, įsamt vakningu fólksins. Žeim fjölgar nś hratt sem eru aš vakna upp viš žann gengdarlausa žręlsótta sem viš - fólkiš - höfum lįtiš ganga yfir okkur į einn eša annan hįtt, - viš höfum gefiš öllum öšrum vald yfir lķfi okkar nema okkur SJĮLFUM. Ekkert breytist nema viš vöknum upp hvert og eitt og tökum lķf okkar ķ eigins hendur. Žannig gerist žaš, meš hverjum og einum!

Viš erum margfalt mįttugri en viš höfum hingaš til gert okkur grein fyrir.Halo

There is a shift in consciousness happening around the world at present. As this shift takes place, we are finding that how we live in our world and how we perceive our world are going to change drastically from our previous and current viewpoint. 

What is causing the change in human consciousness?

Scientists, in recent years are finding that the Earth’s magnetic fields are far more significant than they previously thought.  They now know that the human brain contains “millions of tiny magnetic particles.”  These particles connect us to the Earth’s magnetic field in a powerful way as a human antenna.  We are both transmitters and receivers of subtle energy, or consciousness; a timeless interconnectedness that somehow encompasses the very foundation of our life.
It has now been discovered that the magnetic fields have a profound influence not only on our consciousness, but on our nervous system and our immune system, and also reality itself.

At present, we are in the midst of a new solar flare cycle that is influencing the magnetic fields on Earth and also the consciousness of man.  This solar flare cycle is expected to increase over the next year according to scientists.

It is easier for us to accept change when we are in the weaker magnetic fields that we are now experiencing.  Our beliefs about our experiences strongly influence our physical reality.

For the Earth, the solar activity is causing a cleansing affect as physical shifting, shaking, purging and extraordinary weather patterns, etc. And for us, we are experiencing the same on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.  Our inner weather patterns show up as tears, moodiness, anxiety, intense grief or sadness, and other common emotional reactions. 

The beautiful gift we are receiving from the current solar cycle is the ultimate awakening of our consciousness. The past is waking up so we can heal it. This awakening is what is moving us away from the outdated ego beliefs of separation and illusion into a new reality of Soul awareness.  We are beginning to remember who we really are.

Now, with these changes in the magnetic fields, something deep within us is changing; an era is ending, and at the core of creation, something is coming alive in a new way.  A light at the center of the universe that has been dormant for millennia has been rekindled.  This is the light of life itself, waking up, remembering it own real nature and divine purpose.  With this awakening, our world is undergoing a transformation at the core of its very essence.  This awakened light is beginning to affect human consciousness on all levels while waking up our Souls.

The articles and courses provided through the Carlini institute are intended to help you heal the past and align with your Soul’s purpose.
Copyright Heather Carlini 2011


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