You should never take more than you give!

- það lítur út fyrir áframhaldandi róstur og endurskoðun okkar sjálfra á tilvistinni og því sem stendur í vegi fyrir þroska og skilning á margbreytileika þess. Öll þráum við betri heim öllum tilhanda en allt byrjar í eigins ranni. Smile ~ svo ég held áfram að róta í mínum - garði - Woundering


Weekly Weather May 23, 2011

Anne Ortelee

The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! We enter a long eclipse period this week. We have three eclipses ahead of us: solar June 1, lunar June 15 and solar July 1. That means the summer eclipse season runs from May 18 to July 14!

The two solar eclipses take place at the top and bottom of our earth affecting the Arctic Circle, near Greenland, Canada and Northern Russia and Antarctica. They are partial eclipses, far from a direct hit on the Nodes, at 11:02 Gemini and 9:12 Cancer.

However, BOTH of the New Moon eclipses aspect stationing Saturn at 10: 27 Libra by trine and square respectively. That means the eclipses are darned important and VERY strong. We will be restructuring our lives in a fairly important manner. We will be looking at our behaviors. We will also be going back energetically to October 19 to 27 and dealing with issues or situations that took place then.

We will be releasing major sections of energy and parts of our lives. We will be concluding large passages in our lives as the eclipses take place on the South Node of Gemini. The focus will be on finishing up the karma and letting stuff go so we can move forward with our lives. There will be lots of emotional releases as well as departures in a rather sudden fare thee well but I must take my leave of you now manner.

Unfortunately, activity on Gemini South Nodes can be rather bitchy and mean spirited ~ an example is the hater energy that we often find on the internet as folks comment on articles or news events. While the person writing would simply NEVER have the courage to say those cruel words to someone’s face, they have no problem being mean spirited, bitter, nasty or cruel on the internet while posting in anonymous comments. So you might encounter some nasty remarks these next few weeks ~hater energy directed at you or your choices. Do address it directly. And be careful what you say to others. Be aware that the energy of words sent forward into the heavens often comes back to you during eclipse periods like this.

I liken it to “instant karma” ~ in a flash you are facing the thing or person you made nasty remarks about in your life. The email gets forwarded to them, someone writes complaining about you, or they tell you they heard what you said ~ you get the idea. So speak words that you are willing to face and be responsible for. Mercury is moving MIGHTLY fast right now so he is carrying things forward quickly. And if your own words come back to haunt you, acknowledge them.

The eclipses will take you back in 18 year cycles to look at what went on in the springs of 1993, 1975 and 1957. According to Bernadette Brady’s book, “The Eagle and the Lark”, the energy is expansive under which lies a more sinister flavor.
An urge to expand is experienced but the expansion contains frustration, inhibitions and loss or separation.

The other energy of these eclipses is regret or sadness about life choices made. As George Orwell wrote: “Every life viewed from the inside would be a series of defeats.” Well, it is time to come up with a new measure for your life. They aren’t actually a series of defeats ~ they ARE a series of cycles. Gemini offers us the choice of a dual approach ~ is the glass half full or half empty?

If we measure our lives as a series of cycles instead of defeats, we have a more accurate approach to the actual reality of what is going on. Cycles in our lives begin, grow, culminate, decrease and end like the Moon waxes and wanes in the heavens every month. We watch that lunar cycle over and over again yet fail to realize that cycles are taking place over and over again in our own lives.

We watch the growing cycle of the Sun’s path across earth’s face each and every year of our life from the joy of spring’s fresh beginnings to the growth of summer to the hard work in the harvest of fall and the important assessment and measuring of winter. We don’t always understand that we too will have Springs, Summers, Falls and Winters at various times and points in our lives.

Cycles, Cycles, Cycles. Everything ends. And in every ending is the seed and source of the new beginning. We are at the end of a series of endings as Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter each finished up cycles in the past two years.

So no regrets. Focus on the new circles and changes in the cycles taking place in your life. No defeats. Focus on the new Spring energy taking place in your Aries House of new joy and life’s beginnings. Pay attention to the Fall harvest energy in your Libra house of relationships and partnerships. Understand the cold, deep, darkness of Winter’s assessment and measuring in your Capricorn house. And of course, don’t skip the New Dreams aborning and inspiring in the late winter area ~ your Pisces house.

Circle of Life Heart

Music by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice

From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun

There's more to be seen than can ever be seen

More to do than can ever be done

Some say eat or be eaten

Some say live and let live

But all are agreed as they join the stampede

You should never take more than you give

In the Circle of Life

It's the wheel of fortune

It's the leap of faith

It's the band of hope

Till we find our place

On the path unwinding

In the Circle, the Circle of Life

Some of us fall by the wayside

And some of us soar to the stars

And some of us sail through our troubles

And some have to live with the scars

There's far too much to take in here

More to find than can ever be found

But the sun rolling high

Through the sapphire sky

Keeps the great and small on the endless round

In the Circle of Life

It's the wheel of fortune

It's the leap of faith

It's the band of hope

Till we find our place

On the path unwinding

In the Circle, the Circle of Life

On the path unwinding

In the Circle, the Circle of Life.

Our week ahead is fast moving without a lot of dramatic energy from the planets. Mercury offers us LOTS of information as he is racing through Taurus. Mercury will be sending us information and offering bits and bites of data that come to light to help us make the needed decisions in our lives. Pay attention to the information he sends you way. If you hear something a couple of times, make sure to act on it. Mercury, Venus and Mars will ask you to make necessary and needed adjustments in the structure of your life as they argue with Saturn during the course of the week. And the North Node of Destiny will ask you to run away with him to your new life. Or to focus on the visions of what you would like to create if you don’t actually want to run away from your life. A new circle awaits you. Don’t let early defeats in your life prevent you from enjoying all these absolutely wonderful new beginnings.

Void Moon Table ~ long ones this week so get those void moon projects out again!

3:40 am EDT Tuesday May 24 to 8:24 am.

2:15 pm EDT Wednesday May 25 to

8:36 pm EDT Thursday May 26 ~ YES a 30 hour void moon.

6:28 am EDT Sunday May 29 to 9:02 am

Monday Moon in Aquarius is community based and has lovely closing aspects of a sextile to Jupiter making it a great day to do the ask and get things out the door. Mercury adjusts with Saturn and comes up with a new definition of how to look at those earlier “defeats”. Reframe them as learnings! You LEARNED something from each of them ~ if only how to assess a situation better so you don’t do it again. Its all about the learning you know! Not the defeats. The knowledge gained! Venus joins Mars and starts a new year long cycle about relations, love, money, partners and actions to take in your life to have more of those. Go for the beauty today! Clear the hell out of your life ~ old, out grown, no longer functional, broken, blemished or unloved. Out it should go. Watch for health issues today ~ take action to transform unhealthy situations ~ body, mind or spirit in your life. Mars is opposite Poseidon offering a deeper look at the depths of your being and soul ~ don’t fight it ~look deep into the reflection you see in your mirror. What do you see in the wisdom of your life?

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