Hvenær er komið nóg?

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Þetta er eins og snjóbolti sem rúllar áfram í nægum snjó - fólk virðist vera að vakna upp af aldanna dvala og þrælsótta. Hvenær er komið nóg, -  er undir okkur sjálfum komið, hverjum og einum Woundering



2011 will be a very crucial year for not only the Powers That Be who are attempting to consolidate their power over the masses, and to cement into place the stratified and solid conceptualization of reality as it is presented to the masses, but it is also a time for the masses to break free from this bonded attitude, this attitude of restricted limited thinking, and many will begin to do this. Many have started the process already but 2011 will see this continue and one of the factors that this Awareness is stating as possible for 2011 is the development of groups who are questioning the authorities, who are standing up and voicing their derision, their doubts, and their lack of acceptance of what is being told to them, and what is being presented to them.

In 2011 expect to see new groups emerging that are speaking out for common sense and for the release from a mentality of oppression and controlled thinking that is becoming quite commonplace. It is a movement that will gain ground in 2011, especially in countries such as the United States and other advanced nations, such as Canada, Australia, Great Britain, the European nations and many more. There are many who are poised now to speak out against the regimes that have held power for so long; this of course being the hidden regimes, not those that seem to be the elected officials, but the powers behind the governments, behind the United States government, behind the British government, and behind the European Union.

There is an energy of rebellion that will start to make itself felt in 2011 and this will help those who have advanced knowledge of what is actually occurring realize that they are starting to tune in very strongly to the alternative reality that will very much be possible for them as they shift out of the accepted realities that they have been part of for so long. This Awareness has often spoken of the need to realize that one's attitudes, thoughts and beliefs will bring the reality they are focused on into play, and into reality.

As these groups start to emerge, as a common attitude of rejection of what has been told to them for so long is accepted by more and more people, and as more of the masses start to question the rules and regulations that have been coming down over the last several years -- this will begin to confirm to many who have already been exposed to thinking that suggests that one's attitudes and beliefs will bring that reality into focus.

By seeing many starting to question, they will understand that they are truly part of the new front, the new wave, the new reality that will move away from that scenario this Awareness has labeled as the Planet B scenario and more solidly into the timeline-streams of consciousness that will take them into the Planet A scenario. This is all part of the unfolding of 2011 in terms of viewing and observing many starting to question what is and starting to turn to what may be.


- einnig er hér fjallað um Evrópusambandið:


The European Union will continue to struggle

The European Union will also continue to struggle tremendously as various poor nations are declaring themselves financially bankrupt. This strain will work against the European Union and there will begin to be many who suggest that the experiment of the European Union is a failed experiment. This attitude of rebellion that this Awareness has sensed for 2011 will exhibit itself in nations such as France, Germany and Great Britain and there may be a call to disconnect from the poorer nations that are dragging down the richer nations of the European Union.

It is also seen that there will be economic stresses on the European Union as they see their currency deflated because of the unstable economic situation generated by having to support poorer nations that they were only too glad to absorb into the fabric of the European Union several years back. This will come back to haunt them now, for many thought at the time that this uncontrolled advancement, this unbridled lust for a strong collective of nations that would create a powerful European Union was not the right way to go and this will prove to be so in 2011 as the addition of the weaker nations will prove to be the Achilles' heel for the European Union. This will create even more difficulty in the year ahead.



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