Hvað er eiginlega að gerast á jörðinni?

Free 45 minute video documentary...
Art of Life Films presents an insightful, engaging, freely available, documentary film featuring Chris Bourne (author of 'Five Gateways'), Patricia Cori (author of 'Beyond the Matrix') and Geoff Stray (author of 'Beyond 2012'). They confront the nature of reality head on discussing the current shift in consciousness, earth changes, and the significance of the Mayan calendar. They skillfully address the present planetary crisis, looking at how we have removed ourselves from nature. The documentary asks what keeps you locked in the lower consciousness? Spirituality blends with scientific understanding as personal experiences are interwoven with years of research and investigation...

- skoði þetta hver og einn fyrir sig og notist við sína eigins mælistiku/innsæl Woundering


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1 identicon

Það eru spennandi tímar framundan, svo eitt er víst.

Davíð Alexander Östergaard (IP-tala skráð) 9.2.2011 kl. 08:03

2 Smámynd: Vilborg Eggertsdóttir

~ já. vægast sagt!

Þetta er allt að gerast núna, - hreint ótrúlegt :o))

Kær kveðja til þín.

Vilborg Eggertsdóttir, 9.2.2011 kl. 12:12

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