CREDO MUTWA - áður en dauðinn lokar augum mínum

- þetta eru óborganleg skilaboð til okkar - Credo Mutwa talar fyrir hönd Afríku, - a must seen!Heart


This wonderful and inspiring short speech - a heartfelt and passionate appeal for Africa by the great Zulu shaman, author, historian and philosopher Credo Mutwa - was recorded while David Icke and I (Bill Ryan) were visiting him at his South African home in August 2010 to record his life's story - and more.

Here's the story of how this remarkable clip was captured. I had just that minute switched on the microphone, and had asked Credo to say a word or two as a routine audio test. I thought he might say "1-2-3", or "Hello, hello".

What he said instead was worthy of an appeal to the United Nations by one of the great statesmen of the world. It was quite unplanned, and I was fortunate to be able to record it all.

This moving speech is MUST WATCH essential viewing for anyone who knows Credo Mutwa's life and work, and for anyone who cares about the fate of Africa.

Bill Ryan
August 2010

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