13.2.2009 | 17:37
Jóhanna og kvenorkan
Get ekki setið á mér að láta þetta hér sem spáð var fyrir 2009 varðandi kvenorkuna :
What I feel about this magical year is very the important Isis Message
RETURNING Home in all the World. Feminine power full of Love, wisdom,
beauty, joy, simplicity, harmony, grace, elegance, miracles, magical ways,
FREEDOM, peace, with care, in a sacred way will become the primary way to
live and to be on Earth.
Feminine Leaders will appear at the top of presidency for many countries,
including Romania, sacred land. Feminine LEADERSHIP IN SPIRIT, very wise,
very powerful with LOVE in the heart, with divine Intuition guiding step by
step, bringing Paradise on Earth. Already started, this sacred mission. Power
of Divine Mother. Mothers are the BEST leaders because they lead with
LOVE is a feminine word. LOVE IS ALL IT Is. Expansion of the Spirit, Soul,
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