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Finnst þetta ágætisútlistun hjá Bashar á tilvist okkar og umbreytingum þeim sem mörg okkar eru að upplifa  núna og læt hana því hérna,  - vona að hún komi einhverjum fleirum að gagni en mér.

  Smile vilborg

Diving Into The Unknown: Bashar

Once again we take this opportunity
to thank each and every one of you
for co-creating this transmission this day of your time.
Once again, each and every time all of you and each of you
allow such a transmissional link and bridge to be formed
it affords our civilization the opportunity to experience
creation through the eyes of more and more facets of the Infinite
and we thank you for this gift of expansion.

We would like to begin this transmission
this day of your time with the following small story:

There was a mighty spaceship with a curious crew
exploring the breadth and depth of the cosmos
and as they would then come to a new world in their exploration…
a new planet…a new solar system,
they would then with their curiosity investigate,
taking what they needed of that which was freely given to them,
giving back that which was what the world might need,
what the people on the world might need.

And one day in the midst of such an exchange,
the crew was asked by the inhabitants
of one of the worlds they were visiting,
"Exactly, tell us if you would,
with this great, great majestic ship you have orbiting our world,
tell us if you would just exactly how powerful are you?"

And the captain of the crew said in response to this question,
"Our ship can boil your seas…turn them to steam,
level your cities in the wink of an eye,
turn your entire population to dust in an instant".
"Oh", said the inhabitants, "that is very powerful".
"No", said the captain,
"What gives us our power is that we would never do such a thing,
that is how powerful we are…that we have this at our disposal
and would never use it that way…that is how powerful we are".

So, like unto then, many of the circumstances
that rise up on your planet to face you…to challenge you,
you have many different tools at your disposal,
you have many different ways you can react and respond,
you choose at every moment
whether to exhibit the idea of power or not,
but heed the idea that while in certain circumstances,
you may from time to time think that certain actions
are demonstrations of power,
make sure you pause and stop and think again
so that you understand that the true demonstration of power
is awareness…compassion…and the lightest possible touch.

Because as we have said many times,
"That which is the greatest power requires
the lightest possible touch to get something done".
A great deal of pushing comes from those
that feel powerless…that feel they must manipulate
and push things into the direction they wish them to go.
Those that already know they are part of the Infinite,
those that already know there is no power greater
than what they are already a part of,
need not exercise a demonstration, for they will know
that in their allowance all things will fall into place
and that that allowance is the greatest power
that can be reflected to anyone else.

In all your endeavors…every single one without exception,
allow yourself that degree of immaculateness,
that degree of precision…that degree of composure and wholeness.
And as the channel has recently discussed with some of you,
the idea wholly is to step into the void,
to step into the nothing…freely…willingly…
and most important, gracefully.

For as you dive off of that diving board of familiarity,
resistance in the dive will only allow you to hit the water hard,
grace in the dive will allow you
to slip through the surface of the water…effortlessly.

You are all on the edge of the diving board,
now, in this time and place on your planet,
the changes have begun…the changes that are happening now,
and the changes that will continue,
it is up to you…each and every single individual one of you,
as to how you will experience the event of every change,
the changes in and of themselves
do not have to manifest in any particular way.

Change will occur.
The methodology…the presentment,
the effect of how you experience the change
is up to whether or not you dive with resistance or dive gracefully…
but dive you will!

Because you have decided to dive,
you have placed yourself by choice on the edge of the board,
you have invited the unknown into your reality
and it has answered your invitation…do not fear it.
It is what you want,
it is what you have asked for,
it is what you have prayed for…

Do not fear the form in which it comes,
it comes in the form it needs to come in
for you to be challenged…for you to grow,
each and every one of you according to your kind,
according to your belief…according to your vibration.

Embrace the unknown…embrace the change,
within it you will find the rest of yourself.
We salute you for your courage…and your strength
and your boldness…to have chosen such a challenging world,
it only shows you that you are that powerful
that you knew your power would be sufficient
to handle the challenges this world presents to you.

Know that…behave as if you know that,
and you will see and feel and experience your world
becoming the world of your dreams,
as you become…as you become the dream of the Infinite
as you surrender to yourself…to your true self,
and become the dream you were dreamed to be,
so too, will your world become a reflection of that dream.

Let go your expectations and assumptions,
let go your definitions…let go of who you think you are,
let go of who you think you're supposed to be.
Because, I will tell you this in all honesty,
you don't know who you are…
you don't know who you are…
you don't know who you are.
And I will tell you this…that is exactly as it should be.

When it is all right,
when you are comfortable with not knowing who you are,
then can you truly be who you are,
then you can truly reveal unto yourself
who you really were created to be…
but only when you stop thinking you know who you are.

Is this possible? It is all right to not know who you are?
This is part of what it is to leap into the void,
for only then when you have allowed there to be nothing,
can there be something.

If you hold on to something then there will always be nothing.
If you let go and let it be all right for there to be nothing,
and stay centered within your being,
stay centered within your joy…not your fear
then you will know where you are is where you need to be
and you will not fear that anything can take you,
you will not fear that you must give your power over,
you will not fear in any way, shape or form,
even when you fear… you will not fear,
because you will experience the fear in a different way,
you will experience it as information,
you will experience it as self awareness,
you will experience it as an opportunity
to add to the knowledge of yourself.

You will experience it as one of the valued events of your life,
for you are valued and valuable and you must value yourself
or nothing you have ever learned from any of us will work,
if you do not value who you are,
then you do not give yourself the ability to use any tool.

The first tool is to be yourself
and let it be all right to be who you are,
whatever that might be…then you can change.

But remember, change takes place within the nothing,
you do not experience the shift itself,
you only experience what comes after the shift,
you only experience the result of the change
that takes place in a world of space and time…
that is the world of experience.

The change takes place in timelessness
and so there is no experience of it,
not of the actual change itself,
but only of how you have changed.

Let yourself go into that timelessness,
so that you may be free and flexible
to change anytime it serves you,
anytime it allows you to be more of who you are,
and then trust that whatever it is you become,
whatever it is you have changed into
on the other side of the change
is who you need to be at that moment.
Work with it…live with it…love it,
above all…love who you are at every given moment.
For only by loving who you are now
can you then become anything else you can become.

If you invalidate even one moment of your existence,
you make it impossible to become any other moment,
for until you give each moment its full value and its full due
then it cannot become the next moment,
because there is only one moment.
What you experience as different moments are the same moment,
the same moment…but only from a different point of view.
You cannot escape the moment…there is only one.

By living in it fully and accepting it completely,
you allow yourself to then see
the same moment from another perspective,
but only when you have allowed the perspective you now have
to be valid for what it is…
for it is the stepping stone that leads to the next moment,
it is the rung on the ladder that leads to the next rung,
and if you do not step on the first one,
you will not reach the second one…or the third.

Once again, we thank you for the opportunity
to experience this gift of sharing with you.

Creating Your Reality

We would like to begin this transmission
with the following brief ideas,
to lay a little bit of what you call
a foundation or a groundwork
for the primary principles that will generally be contained
in almost every subject we will discuss.

Many of you have heard us talk about certain tools,
certain states of being,…certain states of mind
that will allow you to understand who and what you are
as a person…as a being…as a personality,
a little bit more clearly.

For it is in understanding the structure
and the nature of yourself as a person and as a being
that will allow you to make changes…
make shifts in your reality in the manner that you desire…
in the manner that you prefer…more effortlessly…
with the idea of less pain and more joy.

These ideas now are paramount
for what you call the "Age of Transition",
this "Age of Awareness" on your planet,
as you have named it,
and thus we are very happy to help to assist
in presenting concepts and tools that are handy,
that you can use very easily,
so that when applying them you can see the results
in yourselves and in your physical reality…
relatively quickly.

The idea first and foremost, of course,
always begins with self valuation.
We understand from our experience with many of you
that one of the most difficult things
that many of you now have to do on your planet…
is learn to value yourself.
Because you have forgotten your connection with the Infinite,
and because for thousands upon thousands of your years,
you have been taught to think of yourselves
as less than worthy…as undeserving…
as possessing little or no value…
and without an understanding of your worth,
without an understanding of your value,
no tool we would share with you would really be effective.

Only when you begin to learn…and behave…and hold true
that you are a worthwhile aspect of the Infinite,
that you are a beautiful…and unconditionally loved…
and supported aspect of Creation…
and hold yourself in the same value
that the Creation holds you in,
only really then will the tools be effective
in the strongest way possible.

It only makes sense, for the tools will only be
as strong and as powerful as the energy you give them,
because the energy comes from you…through you…
therefore you are the one that determines
the efficacy of the tool.
They do not really have the ability
to work of and by themselves
because they draw their energy from you--
they draw their realization capability from you.

So let us briefly lay down
a little bit of an outline of these ideas
so that we will have an understanding
and will have something to refer back to
as a base point…a base line.

First and foremost as we have said…self valuation.
From there comes the understanding
of what it means to be a personality structure.
A personality structure,
very briefly in recap for some of you,
in newness for others,
is based on three principles.
Your personality is an artificial construct…
it doesn't mean it isn't natural,
but it is a type of mask that is built…
or created…or fabricated from three ideas:
belief systems…emotions…and behavior.

You can understand the analogy of belief systems
being like the blueprints of a building.
The emotions are the builders--
the activation principles and energies
that get the building built,
and the behavior is the building material…
the thoughts and actions that you do.

So, you can instantly understand
that the nature of the blueprint…
the clarity of the design
will determine the ultimate product…
that the nature of the builders
will determine the quality of the product…
and that the nature of the building material
will determine the quality of the final building.

When those three things are in alignment,
you can understand that your reality will reflect
the idea of a strong structure…a strong reality…
that is stable in that way.
But if either your belief blueprint…
your emotional builder…
or your behavior building material
are somehow lacking or out of balance
in the idea of self worth and self valuation,
and are not aligned
with the other sides of the three sided prism,
then of course it would be obvious
that your building would be,
as you say in your language, a little bit wonky.

So, this whole idea is to help clarify
what those three components are really all about
and how to maintain them and bring them back into balance.

Now also it takes an understanding
that physical reality is really just a mirror
and it can only reflect what you put out.
There are really only Four Laws in Creation
that allow you to experience everything that you experience:

Law #1 is that You Exist.

Can't do much about that.
Now, when we talk first of all about laws,
we are not talking about the type of laws
that you have on your planet
that are in that sense,
arbitrary rules and regulations
that can be broken…or changed…
or rewritten…or ignored.
But the idea is even beyond
what many of you call laws of physics,
because even some of these
are only germane to your particular universal reality
and in other dimensions many of the so-called laws
that you have labeled do not really apply.

We are talking about real laws,
because real laws cannot be broken…
it is impossible.
And it is these four laws that give structure
to all of Creation.

So, as we have said…
Law #1 is that "you exist".
What that actually means
when taken out to its ultimate, logical understanding
is that if you exist now…
you always will and you always have.
Therefore you may change form
but you will always exist in some way, shape, or form,
because "Isness"
is the only quality that existence has.
It does not know how to become non-existence.
Non-existence is already full
of all the things that will never exist
and there is no room in non-existence
for that that does exist.
That which exists only has one quality…to be,
and thus that is the only thing it will always be.
So, if you do exist…you always will…
so relax…

Law #2: "The One is the All, and the All are the One."

This simply means that all of the pieces
together form "The One"…
and that "The One" is the one
that knows Itself, simultaneously,
as all the pieces…and as "The One".
What this means is
that Creation is not separate from the Creator,
but is made of the Creator
and that there is no outside to it,
everything that is…
every discrete person…place…thing…
every discrete concept…
every discrete part is a part of the one same whole.
And also holographically,
every single part is the whole
expressing itself as a part of the whole.
So the second law is "the One is All and the All are One".

Law #3: "What you put out is what you get back."

Very simple.
The energy you give off based on your beliefs…
your emotions…your behavior…
the vibrational frequency you give off
is what determines the kind of reality experience you have…
because physical reality doesn't exist
except as a reflection
of what you most strongly believe is true for you.
That is all that physical reality is.
It is literally like a mirror.

If you are looking in a mirror
and you see your face with a frown on it
you know that you don't go over to the mirror
and try to force the reflection to smile.
You know that if you want to see the reflection smile…
you must smile first.
There is no way to change the reflection
without you smiling first,
but you can also conversely understand
that when you decide to smile…
the reflection has no choice but to return the smile,
because it doesn't have a mind of its own.

So the idea to understand
is that physical reality
very much is really like a mirror;
it will not change until you do first,
but if you do…
it has no choice but to follow suit
because it is only a reflection
of what you have put out.
Law #4: "Change is the only constant,
and everything changes except the first three laws."

That's it--one, two, three, four--that's it!
Every experience you have ever had…
are having now…
or will ever have…
is based on a combination
of these four laws
to varying degrees…
That's it.

The idea to understand
is that when you allow yourself to make choices,
then your choices are based on your motivation
and your motivation is based on your definitions.
This is the other way to explain the three-part process.
Your behavior…your choices…
are based on your motivations.
Your motivations are based on your emotions
which stem from your definitions…which are your beliefs.
So anytime you are making a choice
it is always because you have been motivated
to make that choice.

Motivation only has two parts to it,
this is all there is to motivation.
You will always, in every single case,
you will always choose what you perceive to be
the choice that is closest to pleasure and furthest from pain.
That's it, that is your entire motivational force!

But notice I said you will choose what you perceive
to be closest to pleasure and furthest from pain
and that's where definitions come in…
because only as you define
what you believe to be pleasurable or painful
will you then be motivated to make choices
in accordance with that belief.

So, many times you may choose things
that on one level seem to be
detrimental…or destructive to you,
but if you keep choosing it that simply means
that you must have a definition in your belief system,
that says that regardless of how painful it is
to keep choosing that,
you are somehow defining it as being
less painful than making any other choice.
That's why it is so powerful to get in touch
with what your belief systems are…
because when you find out why
you may be defining something as pleasurable or painful
and you change the definition,
you will instantly change your motivation
and you will instantly change the choices that you make.

You are all motivated people,
none of you lack motivation…
none of you lack trust.
It's just a matter of where you are placing your trust
and what definitions you are motivated to act upon.
That's all there is to it.

This is how you simplify the things in your life…
by understanding them from the base on up.
From definition…through motivation…to choice.
From belief…through emotion…to behavior.
That's all there is to it…really.

The final thing that we will be including in this "tool kit",
is the idea that we have begun to talk about recently,
that is above and beyond the idea of belief…
and that is simple knowingness…
which comes from the idea of surrender…letting go.
Again, we understand that in many of the definitions
many of you have on your planet
regarding this word "surrender"
many of you will label this as a loss of some sort
or a lack of control of some sort…
and this is not the case.

if we may provide our definition,
is the letting go of the concept
of who you think you're supposed to be
and actually being who you are
because who you are is unlimited possibilities.
When you allow yourself to surrender
to the idea and the experience
that you are created in the image of the Infinite…
which means you are infinite possibilities…
then the physical reality which is only a mirror
can then reflect those unlimited possibilities
back to you…in the sychronicities
as they naturally unfold
in your physical day-to-day life.

Surrender is actually the acceptance of your total self.
It is not in that sense the forsaking of your total self
as many of you have been led to believe
through the definitions that your world has provided you with.
Definitions such as those only serve to limit you.
And this is what we want to share with you
and what we suggest you learn to give up…those limitations.

So that is really what we are going to be discussing
in all of these interactions,
variations of these principles,
it will usually all come down to that idea.
And of course it will usually always come down
to another principle that is all wrapped up in this
and that has to do with being your natural true self,
which in many cases is simply another way of saying
"Follow your joy".

Follow your excitement to the best of your ability
because the sensation that you call joy,
the sensation that you call excitement,
the sensation that you call unconditional love
is the frequency of the energy that represents
your natural…true…core…original self .
So when you are acting
on circumstances and opportunities
that bring with them the highest level of joy…
the highest level of excitement…
you are saying you have the faith
to take the steps to act upon your true self
and in so doing your physical reality…the mirror…
will support you
because it has no choice but to do so.

These are the principles that comprise
the tool kit of manifestation and change
and that's really all there is to it.
You will see that almost everything we discuss
will come down in one way, shape or form
to these ideas if it has to do with your own personal growth
and the expression of who and what you are.

Once again, we thank you for the opportunity
to experience this gift of sharing with you.

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