31.1.2008 | 22:53
Athyglisverður pistill sem ég rakst á - aldrei þessu vant - !
Líkt dregst að líku, gæti verið svarið. Orð hrópandans í hinni andlegu eyðimörk þess tíma sem nú er. Allavega ef ég hefði ekki fundið hjá mér sterka þörf/löngun til að komast raunverulega að því hvað ég væri að gera í þessu jarðlífi, þá væri ég löngu búin að binda enda á það - eða til hvers væri þá verið að lifa?
Finn hljómgrunn innra með mér í orðum Satinu, þetta á ekki aðeins við um Bandaríkin, heldur alla JÖRÐINA og ÍBÚA HENNAR!
@#$* The System!!!
by Satina M. Scott
Thursday, November 04, 2004
(Following George W. Bush's so-called re-election)
Additional Note added January 18, 2008: I never shared this back when I was Guided to sit down and write it in 2004, because of the anger and swearing in it. I didn't want to offend anyone. I was hiding that side of myself. Disowning the foul-mouthed mystic within. But today, Spirit said in no uncertain terms that people were gonna NEED THIS when the wave hits. So here it is.
So the country, or at least my own rather liberal, progressive-minded chosen sphere of it, seems to have sunk into a miasma of depression and even hopelessness.
While I, on the other hand, am celebrating!
NOT because I love Bush and war and poverty and homelessness and deception and lies and manipulation and greed and competitiveness and squelched humanity.
But because this is what had to happen!
This is our WAKE UP CALL, people! The government is NOT going to give us the world we want!
WE have to CREATE IT!
NOW even the most cautious, quiet, secure little fence-sitter will climb off that fence and blink their sleepy little eyes and say, "What the @#$*???"
If the system fails you, you don't sink into despair and despondency. You work AROUND the system. You RE-CREATE the system!
So in case you didn't know, gay marriage is now illegal in 11 states, including mine. Marriage is an outdated, archaic, failing, dying institution anyway! What are we upset about losing? Our RIGHT to depend on the government and insurance companies to support us? To be secure little slaves to the establishment, taking vows NOT because we've found someone we love and cherish and want to spend our lives with, but because we FEAR what might happen if we get sick or die or something else horrible happens to us?
Marriage should NOT be about ways to be bound to the government, dependent on insurance companies and other outdated, archaic, failing and dying institutions for our survival...marriage should be about finding someone we love and want to spend our lives with!
Where does your faith lie? In government and institutions? Or in SOURCE?
Yeah, this is about Spirit. And Goddamn it, it's about time!
Do you really think that science, business, education, philosophy, politics, economics, or any other small-scale, Earth-bound structure is your salvation? Is that what puts breath in your lungs? Is that what creates the food you eat, the water you drink?
If you've been putting your faith in The System to save you...hmmm...think you'll be doing that NOW?
This is our WAKE UP CALL! This is our SIGN FROM THE HEAVENS that we have been putting our faith and trust in ALL the wrong things!
QUIT looking to Big Brother to watch out for you and make your world all safe and cozy for you! QUIT being a victim and blaming everything and everyone outside of YOU for holding you down!
GET UP!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you know that? No? Well, just thought I'd tell ya.
Oh, I'm not enough of an authority to get your attention?
Check out recent discoveries in quantum physics. Check out the movie, What the BLEEP do we know? Science is proving that we are creator gods. Science is proving that what WE intend and pay attention to and truly focus on is what we GET.
So...think about it. What have you been putting your focus on? Electing a new protector, decision-maker, demi-god to bow down to so that you don't have do any actual thinking, working, creating for yourself?
Well, I suggest you stop holding up your hands and begging your government to save you and SAVE YOURSELF!
Do you want a world of unity, peace, cooperation, creativity, love, beauty, justice, abundance, and joy?
Live it! Create it! Intend it!
Quit blaming everyone who 'hasn't been letting you have it' and in the words of a famous captain, "MAKE IT SO!"
Maybe in the past we've been able to get by with getting it all second or third-hand from those who know how to manipulate power, but guess what...
We are NOT supposed to be looking to someone ELSE to connect FOR US and lovingly or NOT SO LOVINGLY dole out what THEY think we deserve!
We're supposed to DIRECTLY CONNECT and get it for ourselves!
We're not supposed to make do and try to survive within a closed, abusive, self-serving, competitive, poverty-minded, oppressive system!
We're supposed to RE-CREATE the system around our VERY HIGHEST VISIONS!!!
And we're being ACTIVATED to create a new world! A world of unity, love, peace, cooperation, justice, abundance, creativity, and beauty!
These ARE the end times! Make no mistake about that! What MORE do you need in order to finally GET THAT?
The AWESOME part about this is...WE ARE GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD!
BUSH IS NOT gonna save it!
KERRY is not and WAS NOT gonna save it!
Divine Power has given us the ultimatum...
And I for one have been WAITING FOR THIS WAKE-UP CALL my whole life! Finally, people will STOP trying to work within the system and will FINALLY realize it's the SYSTEM that MUST CHANGE!!!
NO MORE relying on trends, statistics, economic indexes, political climate, or any other damn thing on the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's all been RIPPED AWAY! AND IT'S going to continue to FALL APART AROUND US! Because it takes that to get through to some people! To make them FINALLY SEE that There's just US! AND WE ARE GODS! We've been PUSHED from the nest and it's time for us to FLY!!!
So, now that you're God, what do you do besides find a way to directly connect, whether that's through prayer, chanting, meditation, Tai Chi, yoga, wicca, magic, ritual, dancing, singing, or spinning around in circles?
WHAT is your heart telling you that YOU are here to DO?
We all have a pre-destined PLACE and MISSION for this project!!!
And the nudges and whispers and longings and preferences and skills and ideas that we have are the CLUES and the GUIDEPOSTS that line us up where we're supposed to be!
Every major religion in the WORLD has prophesied this time! A time when the reign of darkness and suffering would end and PEACE would come to Earth! The Golden Age, The Thousand Years of Peace, The Age of Aquarius, The Third Age...check it out for yourself!
Not into ancient prophecy?
"Wake up, Wake up, Wake up,
Yeah I'm so tired of waiting, waiting for us to
Wake up, Wake up, Wake up,
Yeah I'm so sick of waiting, for us to make a move
Wake up, Wake up, Wake up,
And we will never lose
Wake up, Wake up, Wake up,
it's time to make a move
Wake up, Wake up, Wake up,
And we will never lose
Wake up, Wake up, Wake up,
it's time to make a... move!"
Make a Move by LostProphets
"And they say that a hero can save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles,
watch as we all fly away!"
Hero by Nickelback
These are my prayers! They aren't my only prayers, but they're the ones I play in the background of my life to let Source know what I want! To focus on it and call it forth and MAKE IT SO!
MAKE IT SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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