4.1.2008 | 13:04
Upplýsa myrkrið! - óttann
Svo margt hefur verið rætt um og ritað varðandi - hin myrku öfl - en hvað gætu þau hugsanlega verið? Hér er ágætisútlistun sem hver og einn getur skoðar fyrir sig, á sinn hátt, - eða ekki.
Neðar í greininni er samt skemmtileg frásögn af Marty, held að sumir þekki sjálfa sig í henni.
Posted by spirit as Channeled, Main Articles
The old energy and war like behavior of the past and present age, now being called the darkness, is floating to the surface to be seen and acknowledged. Darkness is just another word for fear. Here it represents all of the dark energy that has been created throughout the history and ancestry of mankind. And the time has come for it to be exposed to the light of unity, integrity and love, so that people like you will discover ways to transform that energy into something that will benefit the Earth and the human condition as of now.
With all the Light on your planet, there is still the human tendency to create new fears in the name of spirituality and light. For example there are those who are teaching that every thought, feeling and emotion one emotes, is creating their future almost immediately. On the other side of it, those same people are stating that one must face their dark side and their demons within.
Humans speak of their dark side as if God were devoid of that part of them
but isnt every thing throughout the Universe of God? Of course it is. Do you know that what is being referred to as darkness contains all the colors in the Universe as does the light, but you cant see those colors inside the darkness, simply because they are hidden from your own inner light out of fear of what might lurk there. Thats what the illusionary belief in duality created. When did it happen? When you as the soul you are decided to play the pretend game of being separate from your own divinity.
Should you be afraid of the implication that every one of your thoughts and feelings are creating your now; your future? Yes, if it is believed that if one were to bring all of their dark thoughts and feelings to a conscious level to acknowledge and change
they too would be creating a dark and foreboding future for them self in the process. Why would somebody believe this? Because it is said that the emotional impact of any thoughts, feelings and beliefs, are the fuel for manifestation to take place in the future.
That is the popular perception of that belief and it is creating a fear of acknowledging ones emotions, feelings, desires and needs, if they arent Pollyanna sugar coated. And if you are one who believes this to be true, is this not just another form of dogma; a belief in a type of retribution for what one deeply thinks, feels and believes, in any part of their psyche? Does this not mimic a belief in evil, a type of purgatory and a vengeful god, if one does not repent and think only loving and pure thoughts?
Lets pose a question. If every dark, hateful, selfish and ego thought were to manifest on your Earth almost immediately, how many of you would be left alive in human form?
Though there is no judgment here dear ones, you are very clever when it comes to creating new drama; new rules and rituals with old ways of believing and calling them the new energy/spirituality. This is not a criticism dear ones. It is merely something that needs to be addressed. It is duly recognized that you are the brave ones who have taken on the challenges of the physical realm. And one of those challenges is to know when you have slipped back too far into the patterns of the Old Energy, and yet be able to find your way out. We say this dear ones with much respect, and we ask you to be easy on yourselves. After all, you are still in the transition stage.
Fear of your human side and its feelings, emotions and thoughts, will cause you to move into the Old Energy again and again. When you do
you unknowingly re-create limitations that strongly resemble the limitations created in the Old Energy of dogma.
So in light of all that has been said, why would anyone be willing to venture into the dark side of their nature and confront their demons if it is believed that the dark emotions and beliefs will become a part of their now/future if they do? They wouldnt. So what is it that will actually manifest into your future when you venture into the dark unknown secrets you hide from the light of your consciousness? That answer will come later.
The bigger picture of this belief is that it is being viewed from inside a box of fear. The limited view becomes the believed perception of the belief. Perception is not an absolute. Why? Because perception changes as awareness levels expand to the view from outside the box
once the box can no longer contain the growing awareness. Therefore, the perception/view has the potential to expand until the belief dissipates into nothingness.
It is important to be aware of the object of the earthly game. The object is (not) to allow yourself to become stuck in the dark side of your psyche, as you bring it into the light of your soul consciousness. That dark side is a real part but it is also an illusionary part, of the human game. Different aspects and degrees of the human illusion and dark perceptions, express throughout humanity daily, but so does light and love.
As you all know, it is not wise to act on feelings to do harm to yourself or to anyone else. If you have those feelings and they are debilitating, you need to consult with qualified others and allow them to guide you into understanding your fears and feelings.
What we are saying is if any belief or teaching causes you to fear your own thoughts and feelings
you will be allowing yourself to become stuck in a box of your own choosing. That box will limit your view of you and of life.
It is important to know dear ones that all paths are spiritual paths, no matter what the appearance. Why, because all paths lead to Home eventually.
You all know dear humans, that you often get stuck in the varied roles you play during your lives. This occurs because you allow the roles to become your identity; a support for your belief system to such a degree, that you cling to that false identity as a matter of life and death. And because you have learned the pattern of clinging to roles and belief systems, they become your trap; a box that no longer allows you room to move. That feeling of being trapped and not being able to move without pain to your self or to another
creates imbalance and discord on all levels of your life. That imbalance and discord can poison relationships to the point of toxicity. When that happens relationships will either stop, change, or the toxic energy will become self-destructive to the body and mind of all that are involved.
Here is a story that may help drive this point home a little more and give you a bigger picture of what is being said.
This is a story of a woman named Marty:
Marty grew up as an only child. Her parents treated her like she was invisible. They never told her they loved her or valued her. The only time they acknowledged Martys presence, was when they wanted her to do something. So she did their bidding and became the obedient child. By doing so, Martys parents enclosed her inside their world; their box they called reality.
Because Marty felt so alone and unloved as a child, she often dreamed that someday, when she was a grown woman, she would find a wonderful man who would love her and marry her. And when she finally grew into an adult, her dream came true.
Marty loved waiting on her husband hand and foot, as you would say. It was her way to show how much she loved him for loving her. She worked at being the ideal wife by doing what any good wife would do. Her husband would come home from work, and relax while she took care of his every need. Martys life as a wife mimicked the learned patterns of her childhood because childhood patterns tend to become second nature whether wanted or not.
Unfortunately after ten years of marriage, Martys husband died unexpectedly.
He left Marty a small amount of money and a home.
Marty had wanted to study metaphysical concepts since she was very young
but something always got in the way. She had been curious as to the point of human life and wondered how God could be a loving one when he let people suffer in so many ways.
On a soul level, Marty wanted to spread her wings and be free, but fear had always stopped her.
She began reading simple metaphysical books in order to learn the terminology.
After only six months, a new man walked into Martys life and it wasnt long before they fell in love and were married.
Marty easily went back into her perfect wife role and gave up her studies. Her desire was to devote all of her heart and mind to her new husband. Marty was willing to put her soul promptings on hold and move back into the box that felt safe.
Marty was content for the most part, even though she often felt a kind of emptiness she couldnt explain. She did miss her spiritual studies, but Marty couldnt take the chance of delving into something her husband had no interest in. He was her life now and that was all that mattered. Marty was not willing to risk losing what gave her a feeling of safety and belonging. Few are.
After fifteen years of marriage to her second husband, Marty again experienced the deep loss of a husband. She couldnt believe it could happen twice.
There wasnt anyone Marty could lean on for emotional support. She never had children and even if her parents were still alive, they would not have cared.
Marty did not know what to do so, she put her house up for sale, got into her van and decided just to drive anywhere and everywhere she could. What ever town she came to, she would hunt for a new age bookstore. Thats when she began buying all kinds of books, written by many different teachers. Marty was now so desperate she was starving for spiritual answers and understanding. Her safe box was being outgrown by her need to expand her spiritual awareness and know herself.
After being on the road for several months, she decided to stop in a city she liked and stay for awhile
Marty was still deeply mourning the loss of her husband and she decided to search for a spiritual-metaphysical counselor. It didnt take long.
Her depression had become so dark and painful, thoughts of suicide consumed her. She needed to find out what awful acts she had committed, either in her present lifetime or in her past lifetimes, which would warrant her karma.
Marty told her counselor how she was ignored as a child and left to fend for herself. She also spoke about how much she had loved and cared for her first two husbands and how she had devoted her life to making them happy.
The counselor also found out about all the years Marty wanted to learn about spirituality and metaphysics but that she hadnt taken it seriously until fairly recently.
Wondering if Marty had ever mentioned her desire to study metaphysics and spirituality to either of her husbands, the counselor asked. Marty told her she hadnt because neither of them were interested. And she didnt want them to think she was weird. With that belief, going outside of her safe box represented abandonment.
The spiritual counselor soon realized and understood why Marty had come to the point where she had in her life. This is what she was being guided to tell her:
Marty, you did not do anything wrong. Many humans choose lives that seem exceptionally difficult and painful. They do so in order to move along their life path more quickly to see beyond what the eyes see.
All souls make agreements called contracts with other souls before they are born, as you did. You asked two souls, you had many lifetimes with, to play the role of unloving parents so that you would eventually question the purpose of life. You also chose two other souls who you knew in other lifetimes, to play the role of loving husband. All of you were aware of the potential future, which was that of losing both of your husbands prematurely.
The love your husbands brought you was a nurturing love. That love taught you how to nurture as well. And it opened your heart to where you began to question life and its purpose.
As a little girl you had asked the Universal Power, you learned to call God
to allow you to know love, and you did.
You by your own choice Marty, came to earth this time to remember your Essence; your true identity as the soul you are. Your experiences have been guiding you to the higher path you came in to walk.
It is time to take what you have learned from the old worn out path and merge it with the new one you are now on dear Marty. Life is like putting together a big puzzle, one piece at a time. As your consciousness expands, the picture of life becomes larger and larger. As that takes place, your view of life, God and you changes.
Its important to know that all paths lead to Home dear Marty, and when you come to the end of a path, it means that path has branched off and is merging with a new path. That new path awaits your decision to let it take you to the next phase of your expansion. Once decided, your life path makes a sharp turn and you find yourself in uncharted; unfamiliar territory. That is where you are now Marty. You have outgrown the old path and are being given the opportunity to continue your journey on the new one.
The feeling of loss of love throughout your life, has been the impetus you agreed too, and it has gradually brought you to where you are now
on your spiritual path. That path will open you to more of your potential to become whatever you desire as the soul you are. That is why it was so important for you to get to this point dear Marty.
So be proud of your strength and resolve to become all that you strive to be. Do not doubt that you are guided and loved, for you are and always have been.
Know that the souls that were your husbands and family are cheering you on Marty. They are part of your spiritual entourage and are here for you to call upon whenever you choose. Walk your path with your head up high and with the spiritual intent of your heart. For it is the heart that opens the doors to all that Is.
It was obvious that Marty had just received the answers she so needed. Her heart felt light and at peace for the first time in her life. Her eyes were finally open.
The story makes it clear that Marty believed she had no choice but to stay in the role of doing what others expected of her. It became her Identity. With that belief she felt she had no right to pursue her interests or desires. For in doing so she feared she would lose the love and safety that her old role provided her. So she chose to sacrifice her personal desires in order to maintain what she believed she could not live without. Therefore venturing into the world outside her restrictive box, was too frightening.
Suddenly her soul agreement to find a way to move outside her safe box, was being played out. At first all she could see was her loneliness and her assured demise. Marty came to the point where she had one of two choices to make
either find her way out of the fear or let it destroy her.
She was guided to someone who could shine a light into the darkness of her greatest fears so that Marty could transform and transcend them with the light of her own soul.
It is hoped that you will see it is perfectly okay to believe whatever you choose. Even if it takes a few lifetimes to let go of the old (path/belief/box) you have outgrown.
Many times it takes an act of destruction (toxic energy) to get on the path of
re-construction (non-toxic energy). But it does not have to be as extreme as it was for Marty. You dont have to lose a loved one in order to transform and in that process
transcend the fears of your dark side. But it doesnt mean it will be easy or painless either. It depends on you.
All belief will limit growth and the expansion of consciousness if it is only experienced inside a box. When that box becomes too small and you refuse to give it up, or at least move into a larger and larger one, it will block intuition and the natural flow of your mind and restrict your life in some way or another. An open mind brings constant new potential in the form of awareness. When your open mind is tempered with an open heart, creation happens and a new picture of you; of life, appears.
Remember, there is purpose to everything that affects your life in such a way, that it pulls at you and requires attention. Its important to train your mind to be aware of being aware. In that way you will be training your consciousness to recognize when it is time get a new view and move out of what has been outgrown.
When you are sad, lost, confused, angry, feeling like a victim, depressed or just plain uncomfortable with your life, your soul is giving you growing pains so that you will acknowledge that it is time to move out of your present box for a bigger new view of you and your life.
All paths do lead to Home dear ones and there is nothing to fear but fear. That means there is no reason to cling to a belief or teaching that limits you on any level. And there is no reason to fear what you hide in the dark part of your psyche because it is a part of your total energy, which means it is being expressed in some way in your life
whether you are conscious of it or not. So why not become conscious of it and set yourself free.
The sum of it is
if a belief closes you to new ways of viewing the deeper meanings of life; if belief creates disdain of others who believe differently than you; if belief ties up life in pretty little packages; if belief states that there are 26 laws of God; if belief causes you to fear yourself, or to stop searching for an ever expanding picture of yourself, then your view of life is clouding your ability to see and experience more of all that Is.
The question that was put before you earlier in this text was: If you venture into your dark side and bring up all the hurt; all the negative energy and painful emotions it conjures up, to the light of an aware consciousness
what is it that will actually manifest into your now and future?
Your willingness to discover more aspects of you; your courage to look at what you are afraid to see; your resolve and determination to transform the darkness with the acceptance and wisdom of a higher knowing
which you will have tapped into during the process of your venture into you. That is what will manifest in your life and your future.
Blessings dear ones,
Higher Self of Carolyn Gervais
Dásamleg grein. Það er greinilegt að það er óhætt að elska allt fólk og sleppa öllum ótta. Við erum öll saman í þessu hvort sem vitum það ekki og hvort við gerum öðrum skaða. Innst inni elskum við öll hvort annað ótakmarkað.
Guðmundur Helgi Helgason (IP-tala skráð) 9.1.2008 kl. 01:24
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
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