The Intenders of the Highest Good

Geršist įskrifandi aš žessari sķšu og nś er komiš aš žvķ aš śtlista fyrir mér nešanritaš:  ~ The Bridge ~Step 44 ~ Grace . Žetta er hreint frįbęrt efni fyrir žį sem eru žannig sinnašir. Whistling  ~

so with love and light, vilborg


The Bridge ~ Step 44 ~ Grace 

When man remembers his spiritual connection to All That Is, he lives in a most joyous state, wherever he is,

 whatever he is doing  

 The Intenders of the Highest Good would like to thank you for joining us as we stroll across The Bridge to our self empowerment. It is our firm intention to provide you with everything you need to become a mighty manifester and create the life of your choosing. At this point we'd like to present you with a loving reminder from The Code. And we intend that you continue using The Bridge to become a powerful force dedicated to the Highest Good of the Universe, yourself, and everyone you touch.

Remember . . .

     That which is meant to be yours will come to you. Just as those of you who are aligned with the highest good will eventually experience your highest ideal, so shall your daily needs be met. You need never worry about your survival because there was a special mechanism put into place long ago which regulates and guarantees that everything you need will be there for you in the exact moment that you need it. Oftentimes it will not appear until the instant before it is needed, but you may be assured that while you are waiting you are being strengthened. As you learn to trust in this wondrous process, the obstacles and hardships of life fall by the wayside and are replaced by a serenity that knows no limit.

     These times of great upheaval are truly gifts unto you. You are constantly surrounded by an environment that is conducive for bringing out your most fulfilling form of expression. Your ego, the part of you which is in service to yourself, is giving way to a much larger, grander you'the you that is in service to others. You are blossoming in all your glory, and it is this blossoming that you have always longed for. Be open, be available, and, in the meantime, be at peace. Your prayers and intentions are all being answered.

My intention for today is:
  I intend that the Sweetest Love imaginable, like a torrent of rushing water, washes simultaneously over and through the hearts of every man, woman, and child who walk this Earth. And I intend, from that moment of Grace forward, that all seven billion of us have a reference point to remind us of how good life can be when we are filled, to the brim, with Love.


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1 Smįmynd: Steinunn Helga Siguršardóttir

takk fyrir žetta kęra vilborg, alveg eftir mķnu hjarta.ętla aš kķkja į žessa heimasķšu.

AlheimsLjós til žķn


Steinunn Helga Siguršardóttir, 27.10.2007 kl. 23:03

2 Smįmynd: Lśšvķk Bjarnason

Gaman aš žś hafir gerst įskrifandi į žessari sķšu žaš er rosalega gaman aš fį žetta ķ póst til manns og tekur mann ašeins śt śr žessu daglegu hugarfóstri ;)

Lśšvķk Bjarnason, 1.11.2007 kl. 11:20

3 Smįmynd: Vilborg Eggertsdóttir

Jį, og žakka žér fyrir aš koma žessu į framfęri Lśšvķk minn!

Vilborg Eggertsdóttir, 1.11.2007 kl. 15:02

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