imagine peace tower - Hugmynd veršur aš Veruleika!


Frišarturninn śt ķ Višey er meirihįttar! Fór ķ gęrkvöldi aš skoša/horfa į hann. Óska öllum žeim er aš žessu stóšu innilega til hamingju og jafnframt - žśsundfaldar žakkir fyrir aš gera ženna draum aš veruleika. Held aš žetta sé eitt žaš aršbęrasta fyrirbęri nśtķmans. Žaš voru ólżsanlegar tilfinningar sem bęršust ķ brjósti mķnu žegar ég horfši į žetta tįkn frišar og einingar. Skoši nś hver fyrir sig. --- Heart ---- 


    - imagine peace tower -
     The Japan Times (October 2006)
"Imagine Peace Tower, as planned by the 73-year-old artist, will be 20 to 30 meters high with a radius of about a meter, and will have the lyrics of Lennon's song "Imagine" engraved on it once completed by his 67th birthday next year. The illuminated column, constructed over a base with a radius of about 10 meters, will be filled with messages of wishes and hopes from more than 900,000 people that have been collected so far.

A special mailbox for the monument will be set up in the city to continue accepting more letters to go into the monument."

Visit Reykjavik (October 9th 2006)

"Yoko Ono has sent out a message for this day: "It was no coincidence that we were born at this time. We were meant for a certain project, and that project is not finished. I know that John (Lennon) will be with us that day, 9th October, in Reykjavik, and I look forward to seeing you and celebrating with you on this exciting day. War is over, if you want it. I love you. Yoko Ono."

IcelandReview (October 9th 2006): "Today, Beatle legend John Lennon would have turned 66 years old. To celebrate her late husband’s birthday, Ono will bless the spot where she plans to erect a peace pole, a pillar of light filled with people’s hopes and wishes. On this day next year the obelisk will cast its light of peace for the first time from the island of Videy off the coast of Reykjavķk. The pole will be 20 meters high and shine 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The renowned artist and peace activist first got the idea for the peace pole 40 years ago. This is reported in all the main media.

In a press conference held yesterday, Yoko Ono said: “The timing could not be more appropriate. Right now, light is what the world so desperately needs. We all live in the darkness and confusion of a polluted world. This column of light in Iceland will not be extinguished.”

The Peace Tower is due to be lit from John Lennon's birthday October 9th 2007 to the anniversary of his death December 9th 2007

Yoko Ono's speeches in Iceland & the special mailbox address
Yoko Ono with the LennonOno Grant for Peace 2006 award winners

Yoko Ono in Iceland. © Reuters

From New York Post Page Six 8/31/07

YOKO Ono called to talk about her Imagine Peace Tower going up in Ice land, a land, she says, of purity in land and water: "I wanted the tower to stay forever, but 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is heavy maintenance and electricity. With 24-hour daylight in summer, keeping it visible becomes an expensive undertaking, which scared the administration. So for now, it starts from John's birthday until his death - Oct. 9 to Dec. 8. Creating it wasn't that expensive. The government helped since this becomes a tourist attraction. I realized that, with contrasting the two symbolic dates, it gives an understanding of the shortness of life, and eternity of the spirit. It reminds one how brief life can be and is significant even for those not into John Lennon's life.

"Actually, this is answered prayer because my first time in John's house he talked about building a lighthouse. I never knew how to conceptualize that. I never believed this could be reality. Someday this tower will be lit 365 days for 24 hours, but for now I'm not pushing it. Forever is a long time."



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1 Smįmynd: Linda

Sį ljósiš ķ gęr śt um stöfugluggan, var į milli 1 og 2, žetta var ótrślega furšuleg sżn, manni datt fyrst żmsilegt ķ hug sem ég ętla ekki aš tķunda hér enn, ég mundi svo vitanlega eftir Yogo, žetta veršur verulega flott, og gaman aš geta séš žetta svona nįlęgt.

Linda, 7.9.2007 kl. 15:24

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