9.8.2007 | 18:20
- Orkubreytingar -
Nú styttist óðum í " The Quantum leap " og þær miku orkubreytinar sem við ásamt öllu öðru erum að upplifa. Okkur til leiðbeininga og skilnings á þessum tímum umbyltinga og uppstokkurnar er m.a. eftirfarandi. vilborg
Carol Fitzpartick ~ Energy Shifts
This writing addresses many of the questions that I have been
receiving of late: that of feeling totally out of sorts: grieving,
headaches, heart aches, disillusionments, disturbing dreams, life
choices not working, etc.
The energy shift, especially from early-July pushed all of us into an
entirely different matrix of light. We are feeling half in, half out
of our lives because, literally, because we are. We are also very tied
in to what is going on in the world. Global politics are directly
tying in to us, and we to global politics. On this front, think of a
web with many inside the world structure, then a big fat spider has
just joined us. We are not to move. We are to be still. If we
struggle, we get hurt. If we are still, we extricate the spider. What
does all this mean to us individually? Our light bodies are moving
through a very intense time of reorganization. The tentacles that
stretch us out this way and attach us that way, are shifting, moving.
We are being pushed out of the mix of mass consciousness, separating out.
Allow the change to occur by walking, writing, listening, meditating.
If disturbing emotions, old haunting memories, or physical ailments
such as headaches, body aches are showing up, know that your emotional
body is trying to clear. The very matrix of the old is releasing now
to bring in the new. Doing meditation is the ticket to releasing. It
give us all the jolt needed to get us fully recognizing and moving
into the new.
For those whose life paths have shifted and are being called into the
new now: LIfe moves forward but our soul memory cells go deep.
Grieving the loss of what was and never will be is an acknowledgment
of growth, the signal of a different path to come. Many of us are at
the cross roads now. At another interval there will be another meeting
with the souls you came to create with but not now. Allow the energy
of loss to clear. Give it the honor of Self it so deserves. Not to
push it away but to honor the knowing. All is well.
For everyone: Take the time to rest, to integrate the new energy into
the body. The mind will want to keep you in the old pattern but allow
yourself time to free-float with your emotions. Let them go where they
want to go. If old images and memories come up, let them go there and
just watch. Nothing more. This level of integration is not meant to be
mistaken with what has come before. This shift is permanent, and not
to be repeated. It's a signal of a new life path, separating out from
the old paradigm, old soul level choices. All is well.
If you are resisting the new, remember that you have called forth joy.
Allow joy to be your guide. Your life is destined to change, and in
some cases radically so. Allow this all to unfold. Don't hold on to
anything. Feeling internal resistance? Let it all go. Just flow with
the change. You might think that you are falling apart and you are,
but that is all by design. You will begin to connect with the visions
that you have been given all along. Go into your heart and know all is
August, a time of remembering, readjusting life flow. Witness the deep
wells of sadness.
September, stepping into the new.
October, we are well on our way.
Love and honor the Self at all times,
Carol Fitzpatrick
Takk Vilborg.
Katrín Snæhólm Baldursdóttir, 9.8.2007 kl. 18:44
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