7.7.2007 | 03:08
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Courageous Souls
Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?
Published by Whispering Winds Press
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"The more we know about the meaning of life, the better we understand the important choices we must make. Robert Schwartz has done an excellent job of presenting the possible explanations of what we are doing here and why we are here. I highly recommend this book."
-Dannion Brinkley, author of Saved by the Light, and The Secrets of the Light
Finalist, USABookNews.com Best Books 2006 Awards, New Age Nonfiction
Finalist, 2006 Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Awards, Mind/Body/Spirit Category.
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Would you like to understand the deeper meaning of your greatest challenges?
So often, when something "bad" happens, it may appear to be meaningless suffering. But what if your most difficult experiences are actually rich with hidden purpose-purpose that you yourself planned before you were born? Could it be that you chose your life's circumstances, relationships, and events?
Courageous Souls tells the stories of ten individuals who-like you-planned before birth to experience great challenges. Working with four gifted mediums and channels, author Robert Schwartz discovers what they chose-and why. He presents actual pre-birth planning sessions in which souls discuss their hopes for their upcoming lifetimes. In so doing he opens a window to the other side where we, as eternal beings, design both our trials and our potential triumphs.
Through these remarkable stories of pre-birth planning,
you can:
Learn why each of us decides to experience such challenges as illness, the death of a loved one, and accidents. Other challenges explored from the perspective of pre-birth planning include being the parent of a handicapped child, deafness, blindness, drug addiction, and alcoholism.
Understand how you as a soul create your life blueprint
Consciously use your challenges to foster spiritual growth
Understand that the people in your life, including your parents and children, are there at your request, motivated by their love for you to play roles that you scripted
Replace anger, guilt, and blame with forgiveness, acceptance, and peace
Deepen your appreciation of and gratitude for life as a soul-expanding, evolutionary process
We invite you to subscribe to the Courageous Souls email newsletter. Generally published at most once per month, the newsletter may contain new information from the author's research on pre-birth planning, updates regarding the next book in the series, and links to articles about pre-birth planning. To receive the newsletter, please enter your email address in the box in the upper right-hand corner of this page. Your contact information will remain confidential.
If you would like to use this web site to order a copy of Courageous Souls, please go to the Order the Book page by clicking on the pull-down menu at the top of this page. If you prefer to order by phone, please call us at the number below.
So that others may share in the healing and inspiring messages of Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth? by Robert Schwartz, we ask that you please call your local libraries and request that they order the book. We also ask that you please click HERE to ask the producer of the Coast to Coast radio show to do a show on the subject of pre-birth planning. Please be sure to add your name and location at the end of the email. Thank you.
Copyright 2007, Courageous Souls
Whispering Winds Press
Ashland, Oregon
(800) 742-0148
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- Njótiš - vilborg
Žetta er örugglega lesning sem er full af innsżnum...hef lesiš nokkrar um svipaš efni og žetta er alveg frįbęrt sjónarhorn į żmsa fleti lķfsins.Takk Vilborg mķn.
Katrķn Snęhólm Baldursdóttir, 7.7.2007 kl. 09:09
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.