2.6.2007 | 02:10
Meira frį Short Wall
Finnst į žessu umbreytingartķma sem mörg okkar eru mešvituš aš viš erum aš upplifa, okkur ekki veita af aš fį smį įréttingar af og til, enda erum viš fyrst og fremst aš takast į viš okkur sjįlfu.Knśs til allra -- " Ei skal ęšrast žó liggi leiš til fjalla"
Dear One,
It is time and it is ok to enjoy.
To enjoy the experience of allowing Creativity to be the guiding energy in your life.
Not something far off or distant.
Not somethig secondary, not somethig insiginifianct, not somethig unimportant or meaningless.
A flow, a knowingness...JOY.
Where the heart sings and the body and the mind dance, no longer struggling.
It is time and it is ok to allow this to be who you are, what you do, why you wake in the morning, why you speak, why you deal with other humans.
It's no longer overwhleming.
Now, it's overFLOWing...with Creativity.
A gift, a gift without effort, without even knowing.
It becomes all that there is.
Simple, brief, and in that simplicty, and in those few words, spoken, written, so much more is communicated, so much is embedded in the text, in the font, in the ink, on that paper, and the sound and the tone of your voice.
The breath In is the knowing and the breath Out is the doing.
It becomes that real, that quick, that efficient, that fast, that simple.
So uncomplicated, so right, so ok, so beyond words.
So beyond even the need for words.
Silence, so beautiful, so misunderstood.
It has been such a part, such a conflicted part, of your life to this point.
But now, Dear One, you remember that it is ok.
Caught In Thought?
Chris Simon
dįsamleg morgunkvešja takk fyrir žaš, and enjoy the day.
Ljós og knśs frį
Steinunn Helga Siguršardóttir, 2.6.2007 kl. 07:17
Katrķn Snęhólm Baldursdóttir, 2.6.2007 kl. 16:34
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.