2.6.2007 | 02:01
Short Wall - channel - The Circling Mind

Thinking, analyzing, grasping, chattering, distracting.
Why, Dear One, why do you use this Grand and Great tool, why do you so misapply it, why do you overburden and overtax it to Create such pain and suffering and turmoil?
That is not what it is there for.
It does not matter what others use it for, it only matters what you do with what you come to know, with what you come to understand.
Dear One, enough, enough of harming yourself, of this pain and suffering.
It gets you no where, no further ahead.
Compassion and Love for your Self first.
You are a Sovereign being.
Let it all go, Dear One.
Remember, remember, remember.
That is all there is, is remembering.
Remember who you are and why you came here.
And let go, let it flow, let it come through, and Dear One, bless this world with who you are.
It is why you came here.
Ahhh...Dear One, the tears flow, and there it is.
It has nothing to do with money or with business or with divorce or with sadness or with strife or with anger or with frustration.
it has to do with who you are and with remembering.
Let it forward, let it rise, let those tears through.
See how the mind enters when you feel it welling, building and almost ready to flow forth?
The mind, your mind, jumps in and halts it.
Analyzing, thinking, processing, wondering, shuddering, "What will others think...What is wrong with you?"
There is nothing wrong with you, Dear One.
You are Mighty and you are Grand and you are Exhaulted.
You know who you are.
This is a game of pretending that you don't remember.
It is not about repeating the words of others.
That is in and of itself just another game.
Dear One, let go, let go.
It is time, it is safe, it is appropriate, it is well.
Caught In Thought?
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