Are we stuck in our struggling?


Langaði að deild þessu frá Short Wall. Meiri háttar að mínu mati, -- see for your self. knús, vilb.

What is it that wants to come up, Dear One?

You're so good at telling others, using words with others, about things coming into their lives and opening to them.

And here you are running and feeling scared and nauseous and anxious and sick and frustrated and tired and burnt out and angry and all these things.

Dear One, what is it that is sitting in your centre, in your core, that wants wants to come forward?

Not to be resolved or worked on or judged or fixed or processed, just to be released.

This is such a sense of sickness, of nausea, of pain, of discomfort, of burden.

Dear One, what is this ?

It's not in the breath.

The breath has become shallow and unpleasant and laboured and difficult.

The body is tense, the mind is here, there, everywhere, unsettled, turbulent.

Dear One, enough with these words that you use with others.

This is your question.

Let go of the fear for there is no pain or harm within it.

Open to give, receive, flow.

What is it that you want, Dear One?

Relief from this pain?

Or, the lesson, or the understanding, or the reason?

Do you want to genuinely go within?

Or is the lesson that you are still running.

How is this for a word...


What are you putting off, what are you putting in front of you, what are you running from, what are you trying to sleep away?

What are you trying to distract yourself from?

Why, why, Dear One, divert energy that way into distraction?

It's circular, it's rigid, it's agitated, it's painful, it's all these things that in effect you're trying to flee from in the first place.

Why bring them directly into your life?

What is the fear?

What are you moving away from?

What are you thinking about?

What is it...the core, the centre, the truth.

What is the truth?

What do you want to "bring up"?

What is making you physically feel like you almost want to vomit, to relase, to make room for?

What are you struggling with?

What are you "keeping down", what are you tamping down, what are you resisting?

Dear One, let it go.

Why, why put your vessel through this?

Honour yourself, Dear One, as life honours you.

Life only wishes your best.
Caught In Thought?
Chris Simon

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