18.5.2007 | 00:57
You Don't Have Problems, You're Just Bored!
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My Kuthumi Book
You Don't Have Problems, You're Just Bored!
by Marisa Calvi
with Kuthumi Lal Singh
A short and sweet spiritual book, that reflects on why we create problems and drama in our lives. It then offers 25 simple and easy solutions or meditations that anyone can start to use straight away. These solutions offer the reader the opportunity to laugh at themselves as well as connect with their divinity.
"These tender compassionate words are invitations to walk away from an old lifestyle. This book is a doorway into New Consciousness. Inhale these words to gently birth the New You. A true must for all on their Path."
Norma Delaney,
Dr. of Breath, Channeler of Kuan Yin and Ohamah
"This fun book contains 25 simple solutions for the dramas we silly humans play out each day. Written with love and truth, you will witness yourself on every page!"
Caterina Pedulla
Facilitator and spiritual teacher
"Better than The Da Vinci Code. I love it!"
Kuthumi Lal Singh
Ascended master and celestial comedian
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