
Hidding_From_The_Dark_by_DinarakeyEkkert er sem áður, allt er brotið upp á einn eða annan hátt. Ekki lengur hægt að tala um að eitthvað snúi upp eða niður, tímalínuhugtakið að hverfa, hvað stendur þá eftir og hvað er hvað? -  Einfaldlega ekkert og hugurinn hræðist afkomu sína.  Hugurinn sem einfaldlega taldi það til hinna miklu dáða að  getað skilgreint út í eitt! Og þeim mun flóknari og viðameiri skilgreiningar, þá væri "þú" ofsalega bright, - nei hjartað mitt - það er ekki þannig lengur!Heart

Working and not working or working and time off, working and playing?
Where does that line get drawn now?

Or is there even a line anymore?

I suppose examining the word work and what that means, what it's meant, what it means now, what it's coming to mean...

You know, perhaps work was something that you did, didn't necessarily enjoy, but you did for a peroid of time, to earn money, to go off and do other things, or to play a role of provider, father, partner, whatever.

And the time when you're not working was exactly that.

Your time was divided between working and not working, but what does that not working time become, the value of it, the significance of it?

Does it become sleeping, does it become avoiding the feeling of not wanting to go back to that working period, for whatever reason?

Or, if you do by chance enjoy your work, then what is the non-working time?

Is it a period of rest, and does that mean are you are over-working when you are working ?

So many questions.

Perhaps this question needs to be asked...

What happens when that word "work" disappears, and even the word "doing", you let that go?

And Creating or Creativity becomes what each of your days is about.

And Creatorship energy, so beautiful and fulfilling and overflowing and present and abundant and effortless...

Why would one need a break from that, for with completely within the context of that energy, all is done...Now.

It becomes a foundation of sorts, ever-present, underlying, something that you would not want to disconnect from.

And if it is tapping into your soul, would it not be so energizing, fulfilling, completing, that one would not need a rest from it?

A collision there though, into how work was done and what work even meant in the old energy.

And Creativity for that matter, left brain, right brain, I can never recall which that is...perhaps that doesn't matter because perhaps Creativity in the New Energy is something completely New, something completely different.

So what does this become, what does working and doing and being, what does that mix become, what does that feeling become, when one lets go, disconnects and then re-connects?

It becomes something, perhaps, that's no longer even in the foreground.

It just is.

It becomes part of the grandness, the bliss, the fun, and the "to do" lists dispappear...maybe not the planners though, we do need to write our appointments down, perhaps, so we know when to show up in our grandness with others...but the idea, maybe of controlling, having to control and map out and plan that which is unpredicatable.

Well, wouldn't that seem to be a recipe for collision?

So much of our time is spent planning.

Even our children now, elementary school, high school, are given daytimers, planners.

Planning down to the the day, the month, the day, the hour, the half hour, the quarter hour.

How far, how far do we want to go?

How can that not breed compression, discomfort, pressure?

How can that not literally squeeze the life out of this boundless Creativity?

You would think that Creativity would just exit, would not accept that kind of control, tightness, tension.

Dear One, what would your days be like, letting go of the clock, to some extent, rising when you awake, and doing what you're moved to do, in the moment, whatever that is ?

And in living a life in that manner, guided in that manner, regardless of what comes out of that, the output if you will...

Just you, Dear One, as One Soul on this Earth, stepping into Creating and allowing that kind of energy...

Do you not feel that that energy itself would translate out, out well beyond where you are, where you live, to others, to the Earth?

Such a tremendous gift, and then another lives that way, and then another, and so many more.

Perhaps that is the constituency of the Quantum Leap?

The adding, the mathematics of that, the growing number of people doing that.

The Shift.

What a life it would indeed be, Dear One.

To rise and do what you were moved and to rest when needed and to move around in such synchronicity, such effortless ease, such fun, such love, such feeling, such connection, such a vibrancy, such sharing.

And again, Dearest One, never giving yourself away, not being consumed in that process, no fear of that any longer.

What would your life become?

What would your days become?

Can you feel the smile making its way to your face?

Can you feel your body smiling?

Your physicality, your totality, can you feel that smile welling up and radiating from YOU?

Just feeling that, just feeling the imagination of that, not with the mind, not with the mind.

Somethifg more...

The hand of Gnost resting on your shoulder.

Or, as we see so many times in this life in tv and movies...

One Dear One beside another with their arm around the other's shoulder.

To have your Dear Dear Friend, Gnost, that close and to put your arm around that Dear One.

Oh the joy and the rapture of that moment!

It is here, it is everywhere, and it can infuse every moment of every breath of your period of time here on Earth in this time of amazement as well.

Being in that state, ever-present, in that state.

Goodness, goodness me.

Well, what would that life be like?

What would you bring to others just by showing up in that energy?

IN and OF that energy.

My Dear One, the gifts that you would bear would be without description, utterely without description!

Yet those around you would receive them in total "knowingness".

Interesting the writing you had before, a bit of a contemplation.

That in this time you spent as a seeker, seeking out others that you wanted to be like or seeking a life that you thought you wanted...

Well, Dear One, within that seeking you became the person, the manifest, that you were seeking outside.

And here you were, birthing it internally.

You, One, Dear One, became the one that you were seeking and you did not realize it, you did not realize that the one you were seeking was you all along.

All the while that I have been seeking an example, I have become an example, the very example I was seeking.

I have become an example.

I have become One.

I have become a Standard.

You still, still Dear One, seem to have this need, this urgeny, to say "thank you".

Thank you to whom, to what?

A bit of separation there, still old ways, old ways.

Thank Your Self Dear One !

You woke up.

Eyes were opened, eyes were opened.

You bumped back into your Self, your Greatness, your Grandness, your Magnificence.

Yet you say "If is not about thanking, then what is is about?".

Hmmm, ponder that one for a while...

Perhaps something else to drive you a bit crazy!

We joke though, we joke, we have fun.

We Thank You!


Caught In Thought?

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1 Smámynd: Katrín Snæhólm Baldursdóttir

Þetta var nú aldeilis góð lesning. Ég er einmitt að lifa svona, brjóta okkur ut úr hversdagsrútínu og vera  til og bregðast við því sem er hverju sinni. Takk fyrir þetta innlegg Vilborg mín..gerði mér mikið gott að lesa.

Knús og kærleikur

Katrín Snæhólm Baldursdóttir, 7.5.2007 kl. 08:34

2 Smámynd: Steinunn Helga Sigurðardóttir

ætla að lesa þetta betur í hádeigispásunni minni á morgun !! þetta hljómar svo vel.

ljós til þín kæra vilborg


Steinunn Helga Sigurðardóttir, 7.5.2007 kl. 17:10

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