Skilaboð frá-The Guardians:

Through Laura

April 28, 2007

The Bells are Ringing


Blessings one and all...

Today marks the movement into yet another phase of your development and a fresh new energy. We feel your excitement so keenly that we are bursting to discuss this with you. Our love and respect for you and what you are doing just overflows and can not be held back.

We are so excited that we even neglected to greet you all. If only you could truly feel the overflowing of love that we have for you and how we rejoice on this side of the veil. You would be astounded to see the celebration going on here and how we bless and honour each one of you "Angles of Earth" for all that you do.

With the great leap in consciousness growing ever nearer, the build up in the energy that is running through mass consciousness is vibrating around your world and causing an immense anticipation and in some a bit of anxiety. Even those who have not yet begun to awaken to their greater self are feeling this energy, this vibration in the field that surrounds your Planet Earth. Have patience, Dear Ones, many will find themselves a bit on edge and may react in unexpected ways to this build up of energy.

The best way to keep yourself balanced is simply to lean back and relax into the flow, as long as you try to struggle against it you will create unbalance and find it difficult to stay in your center. As you relax into the flow you will find that all that no longer serves you falls away naturally and without effort. Many of you have subconsciously built up walls around you to filter out or partial block the influx of this powerful energy. You have done this in many ways, some have actually physically add many pounds to wrap your physical bodies in a protective shield of extra fat. This will fall away gradually as you allow yourself to relax into the flow and no longer feel threaten by the influx and assimilation of this new energy.

You will observe many changes in the people around you and in your self. Some of these changes will be physical and easily observed, others will be in attitude, personality and of an emotional nature which will be more difficult to observe. Each will shift in their own way and time. This is why patience, understanding and compassion will be needed during this time more than ever before. Most of all, Dear Ones, re-member to use these things in regard to yourself as well. It is wonderful to show compassion and understanding to others but most important to employ them with yourself.

Many are aware of the upcoming event and have actually planned celebrations around the 999, this is a wonderful expression of love and understanding but it is not necessary to experience this grand shift in consciousness. Each will make the transition in their own way and some will not even be aware that anything has really happened until some time in the future. They will suddenly become aware that they are not the same person they were a year or so ago. The shifts will be subtle but dramatic. Picture a glassy pond, totally still without even a ripple then toss a pebble into the pond and see the dramatic change as ripples move out in every direction and continue to propagate from the center of the ring, seeming forever from one small pebble.

For those of you who are attuned to energy changes you may experience this immense stillness, this unexplained peaceful calm over the next few months of your time. It is akin to the majestic calm just before a major storm arrives. Be assured, Dear Ones, no great storm or catastrophe is about to be fall you. It is simply the lull before a shift in energies. It may leave some feeling a sense of foreboding. There is no need for this at all, it is simply a reaction to the feelings of what has happened in the past and has no connection or validity to the event which is about to occur. Remain calm and centered, breath and be assured that all is in divine perfection.

Do whatever you need to do to stay balanced and centered in your own energy, re-member you can not assist anyone if you do not take care of your self first. There will be those who need your assistance, your balanced energies and your understanding to aid them through this transition. Simply standing in your own center and being near them will have a great affect on how they transition through this period. In many cases you will not have to actually DO anything except be there.

Take heart Angles of Earth you are moving through one of the most glorious periods in your journey here on your Earth. It is a time for wonder, celebration and laughter in any form you choose. It is an amazing time to be sure and we so honour you for all that you have and are accomplishing! The bells are ringing and a great cheer has arisen on our side of the veil as we watch you create Heaven on Earth!

We hold you to our Heart of Hearts and ask you to do the same for each other.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians

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1 Smámynd: Katrín Snæhólm Baldursdóttir

Takk Vilborg mín!!!!

Katrín Snæhólm Baldursdóttir, 1.5.2007 kl. 22:33

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