Out of the box!

The Goddess :http://www.bozzetto.com/freedom.htm - Legg til aš žessu sé slegiš upp til skošunar.

Žar sem žaš er skošun mķn aš viš séum öll af sama ljósi ž.e. ALLT SEM ER, žį er žaš okkar sjįlfra aš breyta heiminum meš žvķ aš breyta okkur sjįlfum. Guš eša Alheimsvitund okkar getur ekki neytt okkur til góšverka - frjįls vilji er frjįls vilji ---- veršum aš velja žaš sjįlf.

Many of you live with the greatest hope of returning Home.
We also tell you that at this time on Earth more of you are thinking
these thoughts than ever before.
Please be patient, dear ones, for your perspective will change.
What if we told you that when you return Home, you will look back on
these days right now
as the most wonderful parts of a Game that you were playing?
What if we told you that there will come a time after returning Home
when you long for the simple beauty of a leaf on a tree or the radiant
smile of a loved one,
or the comfortable energy of your easy chair?
We are not attempting to disillusion you about Home, dear ones.
It is all that you re-member and more, but what you don't understand
is that the same veil that keeps you from seeing your own magnificence
also keeps you from seeing that Home is being built all around you at
this very moment.
That vision can only be attained by divine intent activated through
divine purpose.


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