Simple Solutions for Silly Humans!

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You Don't Have Problems, You're Just Bored!

by Marisa Calvi

Our beautiful book was inspired by a Kuthumi channel through Geoffrey Hoppe at the Crimson Circle Midsummer Conference. It was here Kuthumi spoke of four book titles ready to be downloaded. I chose this title and my writing with Kuthumi began! Letting go of being a victim or martyr is the first step to being a creator. Kuthumi joined me in writing this book to remind people of this as well as provide them with a simple set of "solutions" that are really the basis of being human in the new energy consciousness. Easy enough to read straight through in less than an hour or simply open to a random page for a quick insight or recharge. Behind each simple message is deep love, compassion and insight from Kuthumi, even if he makes it seem simple and fun. To sample some of our writing or to purchase print copies of our books please go to

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