14.5.2011 | 17:43
- finnst eins og žessar vangaveltur séu - so old thinking -
Ekki žar meš sagt aš allt lķf sé į sömu bylgjulengd/sveiflum/tķšni og ķ okkar - žrišju vķdd. Žaš er lķka lķf inni ķ jöršinni.
En ég ętli ekki aš fara aš sannfęra einn né neinn. Have it your one way!
"Start with the background. According to the classical laws of physics, light behaves like a sine wave that is a periodic mathematical function that depicts the periodic oscillations of the electric and magnetic fields components of the light. Light is a unique phenomenon in nature due to its lack of mass and its speed of c. This speed of light is a limiting value to our traveling speeds in this universe according to the theory of relativity. According to this theory, light has a constant speed of c in all inertial systems. So far this observation has not been violated by any physical system in our three dimensional world. However, this does not rule out that there are no other systems in which speeds higher than c can be observed. Our world is made of three dimensions only and extension to higher dimensions is certainly possible." /www.wikihow.com/
The Pleiades:
The Sirian Council:
The Sirian Council:
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.