20.3.2011 | 19:11
Kryon - Sameinuðu Þjóðirnar
- tími tilkominn að rifja upp miðlun Kryons hjá UN - nóv. 2009
- við erum að sjá sumt af þessu að gerast núþegar
At this moment, as we speak in this year of 2009, in this month of November, I speak of the potentials on the planet. [This is Kryon giving a "date-stamp" on this channelling for future readers.] There are several old-energy dictatorships that occupy the energy of those in the big rooms [the Grand Assembly] and they'll go away by themselves. [These are dictators who have a legal seat in the Grand Assembly, as leaders of specific countries and members of the UN.] You've seen it before, and they will topple themselves, simply because they will be totally out of touch with the reality of what their people want. Their old energy will catch up with them, and their own people will remove them. You have seen this before in several countries in the last 20 years.
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