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Legg það í mat hvers og eins að skoða það fyrir sig persónulega. Ætla mér ekki að halda neinu fram en það er  sannarlega meira í tilveru okkar en augað fær numið Woundering




"Once more I say to you that "Nothing is as it seems", do not believe what you are being told about the many contrived situations that were designed to create Fear and Control. Remember the Pyramid, those on top need your Fear and Compliance to continue their Control of your world. As more of you withdraw from the enforced slumber, and the hypnotic mind-control that you are all victims of ceases to work and you wake up to the Reality of the situation you find yourselves in. The more you reach out to each other with Love and Understanding the easier the Transition will be. We promised that the Truth will set you free, now as you see the truth is flowing out from so many different directions and it is being understood and accepted. This is the time of Truth and with Truth comes the New Reality. The only people who want War are those who need it to create Fear and prevent you from knowing what they have been up to because its when the Man in the Street knows the Truth and he withdraws his support that THEIR CORRUPT WORLD WILL COLLAPSE FOREVER. You were told that they made a Deal many years ago that they would Reveal The Truth before the END OF 2010, this is why they desperately try to create War now in the hope that it will prevent the Truth coming out. They were give all their advanced technology from those you call Extra Terrestrials on condition that by the end of 2010 they will come clean about it, they will be called upon to Honour that Agreement. It is easy to create problems between volatile nations, its childsplay, people fall for it every time, will they ever learn.? Setting people against each other has been successful since the beginning of time, now its up to you not to fall for it again. You watched in horror at what was done to Ireland last week, this was a blatantly contrived situation, so obvious to those who are awake. Ireland retained its Sovereignty and the Power of Veto, the Dark Cabal needed all the Countries of the E.U. to give up all Independence so the Banks were used to create a false situation , it was pointed out to you that the Top Politicians used N L P to Brainwash those they needed to control, they were constantly sending Sub-Lingual Messages, they succeeded in Brainwashing a People to whom FREEDOM means so much into complying with their demands, Ireland was NOT IN FINNANCIAL DIFFICULTIES , IT WAS RUTGHLESSLY TAKEN. Watch the hands signals coming from those who control you, it is all so cleverly done, your politicians use it all the time. It is used on your TV screens so its actually coming into your homes, you must resist this form of control." 


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