5.6.2013 | 23:11
Mannkyn á Krossgötum
Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview* is a documentary exploring the depths of the current human condition and the emergence of a worldview that is recreating our world from the inside out.
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4.6.2013 | 00:28
Unicef /Guatemala /Human Rights Council - Haage
Ágætis upplýsingar varðandi ættleiðingastarfsemi!
- í raun snýst þetta bara um peninga og aftur peninga !
If we shut down international adoptions, that's 5,000 kids a year whose lives we are ruining, whose lives could have been wonderful, and we're dooming them by shutting them into these institutions. So, to me, that's fundamental evil."
--Harvard law professor Elizabeth Bartholet
In 2007, Guatemala's privately run system of adoption attorneys, orphanages and foster care providers helped nearly 5,000 abandoned children find homes with loving families around the world. But then the Guatemalan government shut down international adoptions, created a centrally controlled adoption agency and nationalized the orphanage system. The plan was to promote in-country adoptions, but that plan hasn't worked. Last year, only 35 children were adopted by Guatemalan families.
Why did the Guatemalan government put an end to a system that was giving thousands of abandoned children a chance at a better life? And what did UNICEF have to do with it? Reason.tv producers Paul Feine and Alex Manning went to Guatemala to find out.
"Abandoned in Guatemala: The Failure of International Adoption Policies" is a film about the promise of international adoption and the sad reality that international adoptions around the world are decreasing, largely due to the influence of UNICEF. It's also a film about a privately run system that worked and a state-run system that is failing. Most of all, "Abandoned in Guatemala" is a film intended to raise awareness about international adoption in the hope that in the near future more abandoned children will be placed with loving families, wherever they happen to live.
Approximately 20 minutes.
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17.10.2012 | 17:28
Gamall blekkingarleikur útskýrður ...
- skoði hver fyrir sig !
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Um fimm þúsund heimili í vanskilum |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
12.10.2012 | 15:31
We're getting robbed !!!
- fáránleikinn í allri sinni dýrð !!!
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ESB fær friðarverðlaun Nóbels |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
22.6.2012 | 14:40
Þverskallast við uppstokkun á hinu úrelta fjármálakerfi.
- hreint út sagt með ólýkindum hvað hausunum er barið við steininn.
Verður að bjarga BÖNKUNUM, - no matter what!!!
- sama hvað sagt er - ??
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Óttast gríðarlegt tap |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
20.6.2012 | 20:12
The great global warming swindle - Full version
- allur kolefnisskattur byggður á lygum !!! WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!
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7.6.2012 | 23:52
Ótrúlega flott ræða David Icke frá 1994
- ef Guð er til, þá er hann fjármálakerfið, því fátt virðist jafnheilagt á þessari jörð
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28.5.2012 | 16:06
Lífið Sjálft !!!
- meiriháttar !!! ~ ~ ((( ))) ~ ~
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17.5.2012 | 20:48
Er einhver sátt/sáttur við lífið eins og það er??
- það er allavega sívaxandi fjöldi fólks sem er að vakna upp úr dásvefninum.
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
17.5.2012 | 03:34
Astrology Forecast for May 16, 2012
Við eru svo sannarlega að lifa á tímum umbreytinga, hér á þessari jörð. ~ ~
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)